Teras Terrace

A Little Housekeeping

12:48 am, July 22 2021

Okay, I haven't been good about keeping up with the updates to the Cast page. Or with updating this blog. Or with... doing much of anything here.

And a lot of the information here has been seriously out of date for a while. Not just the bit about a new character being added to the Cast page weekly, which... definitely has not consistently been the case. The About page has also said that Teras Terrace was "an animated short currently in production", which... I guess is technically true, but the animated short is kind of on the back burner for now and I've got plans to develop the property in other ways.

So... I've finally updated the About page to reflect the current reality of the project's status. I'm really going to try to make an effort to get back to uploading a new character every Monday night. And I'm going to rework some of the previously posted characters, too... the earliest ones were drawn more than eight years ago, and could really use a redraw; some of the descriptions could be fleshed out a bit; there are some contradictions between the descriptions in a few cases; and, well, a couple of them probably need a pretty fundamental redesign (Melodica Bing, I'm looking at you.) So yeah, interspersed with the new characters I'll be doing some new takes on old characters, too (and gradually replacing some of the oldest drawings with newer ones).

I'll also try to upload this blog more often, though given the infrequency of updates so far that's a low bar to clear. For more frequent updates you cal follow the Teras Terrace tumblr... not that I've been updating that regularly either, but I'll try to start.

Oh, yeah, and one more thing. I hope to launch a Teras Terrace comic soon. I'll just quote from the current About page for the reasons (since the About page may eventually change again but this way the explanation will be preserved here):

This will serve three purposes. For one, it'll help me flesh out the world a bit more, and give me practice drawing the characters. (Okay, maybe that's already two purposes right there.) For another, if it develops a readership it'll get more people knowing about the project. But maybe most importantly, having a published product out there using this world and these characters should give me more leverage to retain the rights to them when and if I ever do sell it as a series.

So, yeah... I'll definitely make another post here when that happens. And also on the Tumblr blog. And also on the Teras Terrace twitter, which I've barely used but I really ought to be better about that too.

So, okay, yeah, Teras Terrace isn't where I'd hoped it would be by now, when I started the project eight years ago... but I've still got plans for it, and I still have hope. We'll see what the future holds...