Teras Terrace

Better Late Than Never

2:11 am, November 20 2018

Well. In my last blog post, I wrote that I was going to resume posting a new character "every Monday starting next week, November 5." And that... clearly didn't happen. It should have, but it didn't. But it will, starting November 19, 2018. Which, at the time I post this, is... yesterday.

Yes, I did get a new character up, finally, albeit barely—I made it just before midnight PST. (Which is why this blog post technically went up the next day, even though it was less than fifteen minutes later.) I wasn't sure I was going to make it... I mean, I did put it off till last minute like the idiot I am, of course, but even then it turned out I had to reactivate Toon Boom Harmony (even though it's a still drawing, but I've been drawing the characters in Harmony to practice using its drawing tools), and then I'd briefly forgotten how to log in to the site to post the update, and... well, never mind. It's up, anyway. Meet Mr. Orm.

I had kind of planned to start drawing the characters with shading, and taking a little more care with the art in general, but, uh, clearly I didn't really do that here. Again, last minute; sorry. But, again, it's up, and having finally gotten one new character up, I think it'll be easier to get in the habit of putting them up weekly again. So... expect another new character next Monday, hopefully not quite so close to midnight this time.